New Scarlet Witch and Vision profile avatars have been added to Disney+ in the wake of WandaVision. Disney+ first launched in November of 2019 as the entertainment empire’s exclusive streaming service. The service hosts Disney’s impressive and historic catalogue, from the princesses to Pixar to Star Wars. It also contains most films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as its upcoming superhero television series.
WandaVision is Disney+’s first show set in the MCU, as well as its first attempt at shining a spotlight on smaller characters from the movies. The series follows the unlikely couple of Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) as they make their way through decades of sitcom history in the mysterious town of Westview. Meanwhile, outside the town in WandaVision, the organization S.W.O.R.D. is investigating the reality-warping anomaly, seemingly created by Scarlet Witch.
Related: WandaVision: Why Scarlet Witch’s Original Accent Comes Back
In the wake of WandaVision’s success, the titular couple have been awarded a unique honor: their very own profile avatars on Disney+. They do not necessarily appear to be images from the series; more likely, the pictures are from promotional materials for the Avengers films. Take a look at the Wanda and Vision avatars below:
Profile avatars are common practice for streaming services. For accounts that have multiple users (in multi-person households, or for those who share their passwords with friends), it helps differentiate who’s watching what. While services like Hulu and HBO Max simply use names to denote profiles, Netflix introduced cartoon profile avatars, which evolved into avatars that reflected original content. Disney+ picked up the practice, with profile avatars that include a spectrum of Disney properties like Mickey Mouse, the Muppets, Disney Channel Original Movies, and of course, the MCU.
The first thing to note about WandaVision’s avatars is that they don’t contain any clues for the show, which might disappoint viewers who have been trained to spot Easter eggs down to the smallest detail. The collection of MCU avatars is certainly interesting, though. Besides Wanda and Vision, the other characters represented are Ant-Man, Wasp, Black Panther, Iron Man, Hulk, Baby Groot, Rocket Racoon, and Spider-Man.
There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to who’s included in the avatar list outside WandaVision. Major Avengers like Captain America, Thor, and Black Widow are left out, despite the latter having a solo film being released imminently. Presumably, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will lead to avatars for those lead characters as well. For now, though, WandaVision viewers can enjoy showing off their love for the series with their very own Disney+ avatars.
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